OurTerm Dates
Autumn Term 2024
Wednesday 4th September: Settling in session for new starters
Thursday 5th September: Start of Term to all children
Friday 25th October: End of Term
Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November: Half Term Holiday – Preschool closed
Monday 4th November: Start of Term
Friday 20th December: End of Term – preschool closes at 2pm
Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January 2025: Half Term Holiday – Preschool closed
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th January: Start of Term
Friday 14th February: End of Term
Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February: Half Term Holiday – Preschool closed
Monday 24th February: Start of Term
Friday 4th April: End of Term – Preschool closes at 2pm
Monday 7th April: Half Term Holiday – Preschool closed
Tuesday 22nd April: Half Term Holiday – Preschool closed
Summer Term 2025
Wednesday 23rd April: Start of Term
Monday 5th May: Bank Holiday
Friday 23rd May: End of Term
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May: Half Term Holiday – Preschool closed
Monday 2nd June: Preschool Closed
Tuesday 3rd June: Preschool Closed
Wednesday 4th June: Start of Term
Tuesday 22nd July: End of Term – Preschool closes at 2pm
Covid Policy Guide
Due to Covid-19. Our policies & procedures will be reviewed and updated in line with government requirements and safety procedures in place from September 2020.

Covid Policy
We have had to make some changes due to COVID-19. We are following guidance and procedures from the department of Education and government.

Covid Policy
We have had to make some changes due to COVID-19. We are following guidance and procedures from the department of Education and government.

Fee Payment Policy 2021-2022
We have had to make some changes due to COVID-19. We are following guidance and procedures from the department of Education nad government.
The Answers toAll Your Questions
Does my child need to be toilet trained when they start?
Can I stay to settle my child?
Under normal circumstances, the answer is yes, we work as a team to settle children and discuss strategies with parents. However, we have a no visitor policy in place during Covid-19 reopening term. Please scroll down to see our Covid policy in further details.
My child has allergies. Will you take them?
Yes. We work closely with parents and other agencies to maintain the health of each child in our care and it is our policy not to turn a child away without trying our best. We will ensure that all staff are aware of your child's allergies.
What do I do if my child is ill and cannot attend a session?
Just ring in the morning to let us know and then spend the rest of the day having a pyjama day! We do ask to please not send your child in for 48 hours after they have been sick or had an upset tummy. Also if they have had a temperature please keep them at home for 24 hours after their temperature has returned to normal, in terms of sickness and absence, please refer to our Covid Policy, which will be reviewed on weekly baisis.
What if I want to take my child on holiday?
What happens if I am unable to pick my child up from school?
We expect a phone call from you explaining the situation - then we will call the emergency contacts that you have supplied at the time of registration. Communication is vital here!
How old does my child have to be to start at North Bushey Pre-school?
Children can start as soon as they are 2 years old.
When can I put my child's name down on the waiting list?
When will my child receive free education?
Government Funding for 2, 3- and 4-Year olds
From the term after your child’s second and/or third birthday, your child may be entitled to 15-30 hours of free learning per week for 38 weeks of the year (5 free sessions).
To find out what you are entitled to please go the following website www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/parents or www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Can I choose morning or afternoon sessions?
Yes but it is all subject to availability.
Can I have extra hours?
Yes once your child is settled, but they are all subject to availability.
Does my child have to live in North Bushey?
How much free education is my child entitled to?
You will be able to find out following website www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/parents or www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Do you cater for children with special needs?
Yes. We will discuss strategies with you.
Will I be kept up to date with my child's development?
On what do you base your learning curriculum?
Do private pre-schools have to meet the same OFSTED standards as state schools?
Do you accept nursery vouchers as payment?
Who can I contact for further information?
Please call North bushey Pre-school during term time in school hours: +44 07467 101306 or simply drop us an email at
My child is on medication, can he take this at school?
Yes if you fill out a form with the details and leave the medication with us (kept in a safe locked box). This is particularly common for instance with children who need to have asthma inhalers kept available at school. All medication has be prescribed by a doctor.
I want my child to eat healthily.
We encourage healthy eating at all times; our children eat healthy snacks including fruit, vegetables or breadsticks. If teachers ever have a 'chocolate moment' we avoid nibbling 'naughties' in front of the children!
How Can YouHelp As A Parent
Come And Join Us
Share Your Skills
Don't Throw It Away
- Ribbons
- Buttons
- Foil
- Sweet Wrappers
- Birthday Cards
- Boxes
- Kitchen Roll Tubes
- Yoghurt Pots
- Ice Cream Tubs
- Wool
- Corks
- Tissue Paper
- Old Mobile Phones
- Masking Tape
- Diaries/Notebook
- Boxes