Miss Lisa
Miss Lisa is our lovely Preschool Interim Manager. She’s supper active like a buzzy bee and her most important job is having fun every single day! You will find Miss Lisa running outside playing with balls and blowing bubbles or playing with mud or sand. She uses her imagination to create the most breathtaking buildings! Her favourite book is Tiddler, and her superpower is being the Tigers group leader!

Miss Hayley
Miss Hayley is an Early Years Educator… it’s a fancy name for teacher! She is bright and funny and loves to bring to preschool all these science projects like volcanos exploding! You can also find her playing with small world using her imagination to create stories! She loves a good book and she’s a sensational reader and her favourite book is “Room on a Broom” ! Her superpower is leading the Monkeys group!

Miss Lidia
Miss Lidia is our lovely SENCo. Her superpower is finding children’s superpowers! She loves being silly and when she grows, she wants to be an astronaut. Miss Lidia loves playing on the floor with cars and playing football. She also loves to make puzzles. Her favourite book is “Dave”, because it’s silly! You can also find her in the office working with the computer. She’s the one that sends emails over to your grownups!

Miss Bev
Miss Bev is our Interim Deputy Manager! She’s very artistic and does lots of painting, glueing, sticking and cutting! If you are playing with Miss Bev, you will get all messy – covered in paint! She loves to count and knows lots of numbers! She’s an amazing dancer and likes to play games to music, like the “floor is lava”! We are never bored with Miss Bev! Her superpower is leading the Penguin’s Group!

Miss Ffion
Miss Ffion is an Early Years Educator Apprentice. This means she’s studying while having fun at our Preschool! Miss Ffion is always happy and confident. She enjoys pretend play with babies, changing nappies and making their food. Miss Ffion loves to play shopping or being in our home corner shop selling the groceries to everyone. She does not forget to make a “bip” when passing the groceries in the machine! Her favourite book is “The Gingerbread Man”. Her superpower is leading the Pandas group!

Miss Louise
Miss Louise is also an Early Years Educator Apprentice. She has the sweetest voice and she’s very patient. She loves pretend play and a good cup of pretend hot chocolate. Miss Louise really enjoys playing with playdough and making great pancakes! Her favourite book is “The Gruffalo” but she also enjoys the “The Gruffalo Child”! Her superpower is leading the Elephants group.